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Thread: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone knew of a good downloader program for ubuntu, and for windows too ideally that has security in mind,
    but of course also network is shared with lots of people and my download speeds are terrible. Apparently the the solution to this
    problem is to use a downloader program, but I am worried about the security implications involved.
    Last edited by hyperlinxe; April 12th, 2024 at 01:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    It depends on what you are downloading.

    I like to use a queue manager called "task spooler", then I can use whatever downloader I like and put them into the queue. curl, wget, yt-dlp, whatever. I have them run starting at 2am local time using the at command. Just put the list of URLs into a file and feed that file into my downloader that starts at 2am. By the next morning, everything is there waiting for me. Or I can add more and more items to be downloaded one at a time to the queue manager.

    Task Spooler will run 1 task at a time or it can be configured to run 2, 5, 20 concurrently. Generally, it is best to run 1 at a time to limit disk, network, and CPU contention. Plus, after I download stuff, I usually want to do some other processing on it. That can be added to the queue for processing either in order or later too.

    Having things happen later, in an orderly fashion is one of the most powerful things that UNIX systems give us. Master this and you'll get so much more power than a simple point-n-click user can ever achieve.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Re: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    TheFu are you recommending that I download from websites automatically every day without even being present at my own compputer for security?

    That doesn't sound like a very good idea to me : d

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    How does you sitting at the computer help security at all? I don't think it does, but what you download and what I download a likely extremely different. I'm not downloading programs, just data.

    Data being downloaded isn't exactly a risk - well, not for non-Microsoft OSes.
    If you are going to download anyways, that act isn't exactly risky if you use the suggested programs. Now, if you use a web browser and do this with browser extensions, THAT is completely different and I'd consider it high-risk. For things that I want and can only get with a full web browser that supports javascript, I'll run that browser instance inside a firejail container to prevent nasty things. If I think the source is REALLY bad, I probably won't download it at all. If I need to file, then I'll run a browser inside a "private" firejail container. That will prevent the file from ever touching any storage. It will be held in RAM until the firejail container is closed. I do online banking this way too. Every start of the private filejail container is like the very first time the program was run.

    If you want to play with firejail to get an idea around the restrictions it offers, take a look around inside two different bash shell environments.
    1) firejail bash
    2) firejail --private bash

    See what you can see and what you can run from both those bash shells.

    Whether you choose to download an entire website is between you and the website. Many will block you if they recognize an attempt like that. I do automatically pull RSS feeds from a number of different places every few hours, around the clock. RSS has specific format requirements. The feeds are stored in my nextcloud server, so that information can be access from any client, anywhere I have internet.

    I'm about the most paranoid person in these forums. Ask anyone.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Re: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    The way that programs are designed to take advantage of people is first and foremost to hide what they are doing from the users.
    If you step away from your computer, you are in effect accomplishing the first goal of people that use programs to take advantage of people.

    Downloader programs are designed to help facilitate downloading from the internet, and to resolve the issues that typical download methods present to users

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    Quote Originally Posted by hyperlinxe View Post
    The way that programs are designed to take advantage of people is first and foremost to hide what they are doing from the users.
    If you step away from your computer, you are in effect accomplishing the first goal of people that use programs to take advantage of people.

    Downloader programs are designed to help facilitate downloading from the internet, and to resolve the issues that typical download methods present to users
    I take it you've never used curl, wget, or yt-dlp? They don't hide anything. wget and curl have been around over 2 decades. They are used constantly, daily, to keep different parts of the internet working. yt-dlp is newer, but nothing is hidden behind a GUI. Anyone can grab the source code for each of these download tools and review it - or pay someone else to review it. Feel free.

    I trust those 3 programs 1000x more than any browser that supports javascript and video playback. When I just want the information, I'll use either Lynx or have Wallabag grab the article to strip out all the bloat so I can read an article without it, in peace, later ... or archive it. Wallabag uses pandoc, which is an X-to-Y document converter. Converting a file/document using a tool that I control, not the source website, into a format I prefer is a great way to remove any malware. The malware included in the source files won't be recognized and will not be included in the converted file. There might be exceptions, but I've never heard of any that survived an X-to-Y conversion. I have heard of Xa -to- Xb malware getting through, however. Mainly with images.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2024

    Re: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    Dude nothing you just said made any sense to me at all. I am a windows user of ubuntu. I want to find a windows program for ubuntu. You clearly don't get what I'm talking about here. Don't you know the giant flashing advertisements on the internet, ya know the internet for people that use microsoft windows, with all those downloader programs to help people solve the problem of downloading and download speeds, and like they're made for windows, I'm looking for one of those that will work on Ubuntu.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    I think this might suit your needs:

    Take a look at the Features page.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Re: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    idk I think it sounds like something the chinese would make, maybe Ill just stick with firefox... I don't get why people make those things anyways

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: Looking for a downloader program for windows/ubuntu

    all good advice you received ,but you shoot everything down...
    what download manager are u using in windows ?
    zorin lite

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